Real Estate Contact Management Software

Quickly and easily keep your contacts organized and up-to-date with our powerful real estate contact management software.


Contact Summary Pages

Keep detailed records for each of your real estate clients and new leads with our Contact Summary pages. Wise Agent gives you a centralized client record that integrates fully with all other tools in the CRM, including marketing campaigns, call lists and dialers, transaction management, and more.

Real estate is the industry of relationships, and that’s why our Contact Summary pages give you the tools to keep detailed notes, remember important dates, and see an entire history of communication between you and your clients.

Contact Summary Preview
Advanced Filters Preview

Contact List & Search Filters

The Contact List page in your Wise Agent account is where you can perform bulk actions for your clients, such as texting, adding to categories, adding to drip campaigns, and more. Your Contact List can be sorted in many ways, including by Name, Date Added, Last Contact Date, and more.

You can narrow down your list even more through Advanced Search Filters that allow for endless specific searches through your database. Layer filters to find contacts with missing information, those you haven’t contacted in a while, and even those who are referring the most clients to you. Segmenting your database for more engaging marketing is a breeze with Wise Agent.

Recent Leads

Find all new leads that have come into your CRM through any source on your homepage under the Recent Leads section. Recent Leads gives you a breakdown of when the leads came in, what lead source they came from - such as a website or Facebook ad and a direct link to their contact summary page.

Recent Leads Preview
Lead Rules Preview

Lead Rules

Automate your business and save yourself time with our lead management feature. Through Wise Agent, you can set up rules for each lead source that dictates what happens to a lead when they come into your CRM. You can add them to drip campaigns, categories, to your call list, and distribute them to team members.

Respond to leads immediately through our email and text auto-responders and start the conversation with our AI Bot that will converse and convert leads the moment they enter their information on a form.

Sharing & Distributing Leads

Whether you are seeking to automate your real estate lead distribution or prefer a more hands-on approach to sharing leads with team members, Wise Agent has a solution for you. Leads can be shared directly from your Wise Agent account to any outside team member, along with notes, categories, statuses, and more.

Once a lead is shared with another Wise Agent account, the account the lead was initially shared from can track it through our Lead Tracker and see updated notes and actions reflected in their account. Access to leads can also be revoked by the originating account and reshared to other team members if needed.

Lead Tracker
Referral Tree Preview

Referral Tree

Keep track of your real estate referrals and contacts that have referred others. Our referral tree lives on each contact summary page in Wise Agent and keeps a complete record of the date and contacts involved for all referrals. Referrals are easily searchable through our advanced contact filters allowing you to find who you are looking for in seconds. Tracking referrals and maintaining relationships with contacts that bring you referrals has never been easier with this streamlined solution.

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Contact Management

After All, CRM is All About Contact Management

We created our real estate contact manager with not only the standard contact management features, but also specific fields relevant to real estate. Keep track of everything you need to know about every person in a straightforward, intuitive interface.

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